A Tale of Destiny
Well, it's Trevor here again, to share another tale of Brenda's life. This time, we are going to do something really different from the norm. We are going to be sharing something that few people know about Brenda. You see, her career as a stunt person, pretty much ended on that fateful day, when she decided to jump from a snow bank. It was, when she was in the third grade. She was going to show some people how brave she was, but when she hit the bottom, the excruciating pain she felt. Her left knee was all swollen by this time. Her Mom and sister came with a sled to take her home. She went to the doctor the next day and was told that she tore some ligaments. Was told to ice it. She was also told it was called a jarred knee. Some people, thought that was so funny to call it that. To this day, when she moves it back and forth it will actually move out of place. Some people actually got their jollies...