
Showing posts from March, 2013

A Tale of Breaking News

Hey it's Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog here with a breaking news story.  Brenda received some wonderful news today from Allen, the guy she testified with at the ND State Capitol on March 11th.  Senate Measure 2190 passed this week.  It was a team effort and they both helped to get the job done.  I am so proud of both of you for standing up and being bold on behalf of others who take biologics.  This was all explained in our last tale.  I am also proud of the state in which I live in for doing the right thing by this. I am going to close by sharing Brenda's compelling testimony.  Now, she wants you to do the same, if this legislation hits your state.                                                 ...

A Legislative Tale

Hello, it's Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog here once again, to share a very exciting story that recently took place. I am very honored to share this because I actually got to meet the person she was working with on this wonderful project.  Allen Todd, who is the Director of Patient Education and Advocacy with the Global Healthy Living Foundation flew into Bismarck last Sunday evening.  Now anyone who comes all this way and wants to meet me, well that just makes me so doggone happy.  So I spent a few minutes with this fella who really seemed quite okay in my book.  He at least said "Hello Trevor" like I was going to say anything back....hahaha! So backing up a bit here first. Seth Ginsberg who is the co-founder and President of the Global Healthy Living Foundation aka CreakyJoints, contacted Brenda in January to see if she would be interested in working with Allen on a project regarding her taking a biologic?  You see there was Senate Measure...