Tale of a Head Banging...Part II
Well, it's Trevor here, to share a recent tale of Brenda's life. In fact, it was just a week ago Sunday, that Brenda once again banged her head. The first incident was several years before her brain surgery, when she bumped it inside the fridge, as she was looking for something. This was long before I came along and you can read all about that, in her previous blog post, "How It All Began." This time she treated the situation much differently, as she ended up going to the ER this time and not waiting. Again she was looking for something, but this time it was her cubic freezer. She didn't realize that the lid was not pushed all the way back and when she put her head in, it whacked her pretty good right down the middle of her head, below where the scars for her craniotomy are. It hurt quite a bit and she just thought, she would ice it and take Tylenol and see how things were in the morning. The next morning she went to work, but it ...