A Tale of Discovery
Hi, Trevor here again, to share with you discoveries that Brenda has made along the way on her journey of living with RA and also being a meningioma brain tumor survivor, for almost five years. This has been quite a year for Brenda. She became an editor at the beginning of the year, for CreakyJoints, Poet's Corner (& Artists Too). She had no idea what this all entailed when she signed on, but she has given it everything she's got, and has really enjoyed how it has all come together. She has had some wonderful entries share their various talents and it has just been wonderful. It is for anyone living with a chronic illness. She accepts, poetry, short stories, photography, drawings, paintings you get the idea. Another thing is that yours truly, got a job as well. I became a mascot for "Christine's Kid's, who are children and teens who live with arthritis, (JA & JRA) being the focus. I offer barks of wisdom, by sharing...