Tale of a Brain Injury...
Hello, my fellow readers! Trevor here again, to share another exciting tale. It's National Brain Injury Awareness Month folks, so this particular post will be centered around that. As you know, Brenda was co-author of a book last year, titled: Grief Diaries: Living with a Brain Injury. Lynda Cheldelin Fell, the founder of Grief Diaries and Brenda's friend, made a pawmazing pawnouncement this week. I am writing this blog, so I am putting some doggy lingo into it. BOL This book was the first in the series, to now be named; Real Life Diaries: Living with a Brain Injury. A new cover was even created. We think this is really cool, with it being National Brain Injury Awareness Month. You can still purchase it at Amazon. com. by clicking on the image, that you will find on our main blog page, and that will take you right to Brenda's author page. Lynda was kind enough to help Brenda get that set up, as this was all new to her. Her friends at CreakyJoints,...