A Tale of Gold...
Hello, my fellow readers. It's Trevor sharing our monthly tale. This one folks is going to be GOLD! BOL You're probably thinking as you read this, that I am going to talk about myself. You wouldn't be more mistaken. BOL I am going to share some pretty pawsome events, that have occurred in Brenda's life the past 9 + years. Yesterday, which was March 8th, she became a 9½ year brain tumor survivor. Only 6 months to go before she celebrates her 10th Craniversary on September 8th. Every year that has become a major celebration. Brain tumor survivors refer to it, as their second chance at life. I'm not big on my fairy tales, but it seems there was this character named King Midas, who hoped that everything he touched would turn to gold. Brenda likes this analogy, because when she had her craniotomy they used a Midas Drill. Her nonmalignant right frontal lobe meningioma was pretty easy to get at. When they opened the bone flap, they were able to get the entire tumor...