A Tale of Gratitude...
Hello, it's Trevor here with our April tale. Brenda was having a hard time, coming up with a subject for this month. We are in the middle of a pandemic, something that many of us did not see coming, or could even imagine, ever having to experience. I'm setting the stage for this particular tale, because it centers around, what I just mentioned. Brenda has been most impressed by many events that have taken place, over the past month. One of those are daily press conferences on COVID19, with the Governor from our great state of North Dakota, Doug Burgum. Brenda was inspired to have me share this blog post, because of the fact that during his press conferences, he always ends with something relating to Gratitude. It might be a quote, or thanking someone for all the hard work they are doing, during this time. He even has recognized several organizations. He has a great team, or as he refers to them: #TeamND. We are so proud to live in this great state, especially at this time. ...