A Tale of Jubilation...
Hello and welcome to our April celebratory blog post. Of course it's Trevor here, bringing you all the juicy and pawmazing facts. This past Tuesday, Brenda celebrated two significant events in her life. One being, working with CreakyJoints, (don't you just love that name?) BOL 9 years ago. It was the 1st time working with this great organization and it wouldn't be the last. At the time, we were not aware of that pawmazing fact, but things started transpiring the following year, all centered around Brenda taking a biologic. We are not going to get into that for this particular post. This is going to be all centered around her milestone that she also celebrated on April 20th. Here we go! BOL Brenda had her first injection of the biologic, Enbrel (etanercept) on April 20, 2001. Now you see where we are going with this tale. As our readers know, Brenda has been living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for almost 30 years. After almost 10 years, Brenda was offered a gift to start ...