Tale of a Square Peg...
Hello Trevor here, with our July tale right off the bat. Brenda has been wanting my paws to hit the keyboard to share this poignant tale. Brenda feels like a square peg at times, not feeling the community spirit that is preached. Sadly, that has been in the brain tumor community too. We are not sharing this to make anyone feel bad, but to perhaps help someone out there, who may have the same mindset. Brenda has been a brain tumor survivor for almost 13 years and yes, she still struggles even though her right frontal lobe nonmalignant meningioma brain tumor was removed entirely. She was left with remnants of big feelings, as we touched on in last month's blog post. Brenda also deals with head pain and oddly enough, some numbness also. Nerves are a strange animal, not as strange as good old Trevor here. Sorry, I got off the track a bit. BOL Back to our tale. Brenda also deals with vertigo at times and her PCP was kind enough to fill her prescription without her even having to ...