A Tale of Helping Others
Trevor here, once again. It has been many months, since we last updated you. Much has been going on in Brenda's life. Some good and some, not so good. We want to bring out here, that even in the not so good things that have occurred, she was able to get through those, because of help from many kind people. That is going to be the premise of this blog post, helping others. Brenda went through, what we have referred to, as a year of medical challenges. It started out with a colonoscopy, where they found something not quite right, so they biopsied. Her surgeon, who is also a friend, just wanted to make sure they were not missing anything. He cared enough about Brenda, to take that extra step. We are happy to report that it turned out to be nothing serious, but being cautious is always a good thing particularly, because there is a family history. Next was her saga with her teeth. We touched on this before in another blog, which you can check out. 'A Tale of 2 Teeth' She r...