Tale of a Brain Tumor Warrior

Hey folks, it's Trevor here once again sharing another book review. This one is
going to be a lot of fun to do. This particular person's book has had a big impact
on so many people in the brain tumor community.

So without further ado, we have a surprise for a very special person. He happens
to think I rock and just for that, he certainly will get a dog bone, I mean a great
review. BOL

The book is titled, How Horseshoes Saved My Life: A tale of two brain tumors,
by Rick Franzo.  Brenda became friends with Rick through his group that he
started, Brain Tumor Talk. Wonderful title isn't it? Anyway, he had been working
on writing this book and asked Brenda if she would like to see a rough not (ruff)
draft? BOL I'm a dog, so ruff would make sense to me.

So she read it and couldn't put it down. She just knew this was going to be a great
book when it was published.

She has spoken with Rick on the phone several times and one time, he asked her
if should would be interested in sharing her story on his new radio program, that
he was starting? It was going to be called, Catch The Brain Wave, another great
title. Of course, Brenda said yes. He actually shared her story not too long ago
and even sent her the DVD to be able to listen to it on her computer. Now wasn't
that kind?

Okay, I know we got a little sidetracked here, but he also sent her the book with
an autograph inside. Brenda always tries to get autographs from authors of books,
if she can. She has quite a collection from others she has connected with on social

This book was pawtastic! Brenda was cheering and even crying as she read it. I
could see, as I was watching her very carefully.

Rick went through so much and truth be told, he shouldn't even be alive. It was
truly a miracle that he was playing horseshoes that day. I see where the luck comes
in, but I really don't believe in luck, but he was definitely at the right place that
particular day.

He had noticed that things were a little off, but you don't normally run to your
doctor for every little thing. I don't even like to run to the vet, for a normal visit.
Okay, back to our story. Anyway, he decided that he'd better go see what was
going on. Never in his wildest dreams, did he think, he would be diagnosed
with a brain tumor.

So he went through the shock and disbelief of all of that. He had a wonderful
supportive family and many friends, that was so beautifully illustrated by all
the kind acts that were accomplished.

We don't want to give the whole story away, but Rick did not come out of the
surgery as he had hoped and actually had to learn to walk again, which he did.

He is a fighter and he is now battling a second brain tumor. Just for point of
reference, he had the same type of brain tumor that Brenda had, a meningioma.
His had grown to critical mass. Sounds so scary, which it was and had he not
been playing horseshoes that day, he could have had a grand mal seizure or
even could have gone into a coma and died.

We are so happy that did not happen. Brenda has been so blessed by Rick's
friendship and how he has helped so many with advocating. He really is
quite the speaker. I got to listen to him on YouTube.

So you see, even though this was a very horrible thing that happened in a
brain tumor warrior's life, he turned it all around. He went through his times
with depression. I think we all would have. He was just showing his human
side and that makes you appreciate him even more.

I would like to offer my congratulations on a job well done and I personally
give this book FIVE BARKS!!!!!

We hope you have enjoyed this wonderful story of a brain tumor warrior, who
I would gladly share my dog bones with.


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