
Showing posts from October, 2015

A Tale of Fitting In

Trevor here again, with another tale to share with you. Brenda will once again be sharing from her heart. She has a lot to get off of her chest and writing is the best way, to gradually peel off all these layers of self-doubt, feeling excluded and just not fitting in period. Something she knows is overrated. I will now let her share. Thanks again Trevor, for that wonderful introduction. As a bit of background, I came from a family of 5 girls. I am the youngest and have always felt, like I never quite measured up. I was the sickly child who struggled in school, almost having to repeat the 4th grade, because of so many days missed. I ended up with bronchial pneumonia and landed in the hospital and broke out with the measles. The only thing that saved me from not having to repeat that grade, was the fact that by some miracle, I was able to keep up with all of my homework. I had a really great teacher that year, who made learning so much fun. She was actually the one that picke...

A Cathartic Tale

Hi, it's Trevor and I am going to be introducing this tale, which Brenda will go on to tell, in her own words. A lot has been going on in Brenda's life and there are some events and experiences, that she will be sharing. Some of what she will be sharing is very difficult, but as the word cathartic means, as an adjective, "Open expression of emotions." That is what you will see here folks. After she has written this, I hope you will still have her back. I know the people who do. This blog post is actually coming out of a recent broadcast of Brain Tumor Talk: Worldwide Radio Show. It was time to finally bring this all out in the open. Frontal Lobe Syndrome is a real thing and can be really scary, when you have no idea what is going on. With that, I will let Brenda share from her heart. Thank you, Trevor. As some of you know, I had a meningioma brain tumor removed on September 8, 2008. The location was the right frontal lobe, and this is my reason, for finally bringin...