Tale of Fractured Relationships...
Hello my fellow readers! It's Trevor here again, to share our monthly tale. We are going to be exploring the topic of relationships, particularly those that can break down, due to a number of circumstances. In Brenda's case, dealing with unkind comments causing fractured friendships, that simply had to be cut off. Before I go on, me being a dog, it seems that humans make this so much harder than it has to be. If I have a disagreement with one of my own, we battle it out over a bone. BOL Most times, I let them have the bone, to keep the peace! I really don't have that much trouble with other dogs, as we are known to have big hearts. You've probably heard the expression; "If people would only have the hearts of dogs, it would be a much better place." We deal with our problems and then move on. A dog does not hold a grudge. We are faithful and always waiting for you, when you get home. We may jump on you, to show our affection. Who am I kidding, I can't jum...