A Tale of Irritability...
Hello my friends, it's Trevor with our monthly tale. We meant to get this out by last weekend. As you know, Brenda had her second shingrix vaccine last Thursday and has not been doing so great since. It has been an irritating experience for sure. She again, got a rash, but much quicker and more painful this time. Her nausea started the next morning and with her painful arm, it was too much to handle by the afternoon, that she ended up leaving early from work. She went home to rest. This was to be the day to celebrate her becoming a 10½ year brain tumor survivor. Brenda did a few things when she got home, went to bed and didn't even have dinner that evening. She was that exhausted. So much for celebrating! This being Brain Injury Awareness Month, irritability has been a constant reminder for Brenda, because of frontal lobe syndrome. It's considered an acquired brain injury. In Brenda's case from having had her brain tumor removed. She also has had two concussions or ...