A Tale of Irritability...

Hello my friends, it's Trevor with our monthly tale. We meant to get this out by last weekend. As you know, Brenda had her second shingrix vaccine last Thursday and has not been doing so great since. It has been an irritating experience for sure. She again, got a rash, but much quicker and more painful this time. Her nausea started the next morning and with her painful arm, it was too much to handle by the afternoon, that she ended up leaving early from work.

She went home to rest. This was to be the day to celebrate her becoming a 10½ year brain tumor survivor. Brenda did a few things when she got home, went to bed and didn't even have dinner that evening. She was that exhausted. So much for celebrating!

This being Brain Injury Awareness Month, irritability has been a constant reminder for Brenda, because of frontal lobe syndrome. It's considered an acquired brain injury. In Brenda's case from having had her brain tumor removed. She also has had two concussions or what are considered traumatic brain injuries, one pre and post craniotomy. That is a lot to deal with.

People like to pet my head, so I can't imagine having someone hit it hard or banging into something. BOL Brenda has though, on two different occasions. If you've followed this blog, you know about those, so we are not going to go into detail here. They both involved kitchen appliances.

Brenda deals with irritability in other areas. Our weather has not been that cooperative this winter. Just wait until I get my hands on that groundhog. BOL In all seriousness folks, this has been a tough winter. So many drastic changes. It gets nice, then it gets bitterly cold. That is too much for Brenda to deal with at times. As you know, she also lives with RA and walking is so important for her. She hasn't been able to doing any walking, since last Friday morning.

While resting is important, it is just as paramount, for Brenda to keep moving, so she does not become so stiff and her back becomes tight.

Frontal lobe syndrome is another matter. Brenda for the most part, can control her emotions when this comes on. It makes it easier, when she is alone to let it out and have a good cry if necessary. Believe me, she has been doing just that.

This second round of her shingrix vaccine was very hard on Brenda. We are NOT ADVOCATING against vaccines. Her rheumy highly suggested that she receive it. It has been proven to be much more effective than the first one, out on the market. We want to bring out, that Brenda had some challenges both times after receiving it. She had a rash both times near the injection site, that spread. We are happy that after almost 4 days, it is starting to fade. Her arm still hurts, but much less today.

Her stomach got hit again, but that is with almost anything that she takes. It might be that those who deal with chronic conditions will have a harder time. Each person is different. Again, we want to make this clear, we are not advocating against receiving this vaccine.

Brenda has always had issues with reactions to vaccines, even dating back to her years in school, when they used to stand in line to receive the necessary vaccinations.

Living with a brain injury is a completely different type of irritation. There is also barometer head to deal with. You will encounter those who will not understand, because so much of it is invisible. Brenda tries to be real and forthcoming with her challenges. Believe me, you would not want to know every detail.

We were also shocked by the death of actor Luke Perry, who suffered a massive stroke. This hit Brenda hard, having been involved with coauthoring a book, which featured stories of those who had suffered a stroke. It brings out the importance of awareness. We are most grateful for those who are doing that this month.

We want to leave you with a most important message. "You may not understand what a person with a brain injury is going through. Don't feel bad, because they may not be able to explain it, in words that you could understand." It goes both ways, folks. Brenda is trying every day and so are those who are living with brain injuries. Don't count them out just yet!

This is ~T Man~ barking off until next time.


  1. Please Give Brenda a massive pawesome hug for me Trevor thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Hi Judy! Thanks for stopping by. I'm finally on the mend.


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