
Showing posts from May, 2019

Tale Of A Brain Tumor Survivor Who Lives With Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Hello it's Trevor once again, sharing our monthly tale. Since it is both Arthritis and Brain Tumor Awareness Month in the US, we thought this would be a great time to share the essence of Brenda's passions when it comes to advocacy issues. Brenda has now been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 28 years. Her journey of becoming a brain tumor survivor began on September 8, 2008, almost 11 years ago. Brenda has found over the years, that the 2 continue to mesh and cannot be separated. Her becoming a brain tumor survivor, opened a whole new world for her. She became a writer and this blog became a reality, almost 10 years ago. I came along in 2011, as her storyteller. Brenda not only became creative, but found her voice. I think it was there all the time, but was hiding deep inside. They say that your inner strength is deep down inside of you. Reaching for that strength, can be one of the greatest things, you will ever do. Brenda was actually told in college, that she cou...