Tale Of A Brain Tumor Survivor Who Lives With Rheumatoid Arthritis...

Hello it's Trevor once again, sharing our monthly tale. Since it is both Arthritis and Brain Tumor Awareness Month in the US, we thought this would be a great time to share the essence of Brenda's passions when it comes to advocacy issues.

Brenda has now been living with Rheumatoid Arthritis for 28 years. Her journey of becoming a brain tumor survivor began on September 8, 2008, almost 11 years ago.

Brenda has found over the years, that the 2 continue to mesh and cannot be separated. Her becoming a brain tumor survivor, opened a whole new world for her. She became a writer and this blog became a reality, almost 10 years ago. I came along in 2011, as her storyteller.

Brenda not only became creative, but found her voice. I think it was there all the time, but was hiding deep inside. They say that your inner strength is deep down inside of you. Reaching for that strength, can be one of the greatest things, you will ever do.

Brenda was actually told in college, that she could not write. Imagine hearing that? She had her singing, which has always been a comfort when she feels lost. Music has always been an escape, even before her acquired brain injury and even more so now.

About a year after her brain tumor experience, Brenda sat down at her computer on a Friday morning in June, and composed her first blog post. It was titled; Life After A Brain Tumor. It was the result of a situation that had happened, in which Brenda mixed up the details, which she still does. She lives with a brain injury and if you don't give her a chance to assess the situation fully, that will more than likely happen. Anyway, she almost lost a good friend over it. Once she had realized her mistake, she worked hard to salvage this friendship. They are still friends to this day. In fact this same person, told Brenda that she was a good writer. Coming from an author, that could cause one's head to swell a bit. If these words sound familiar, they are from the book, that Brenda coauthored; Real Life Diaries: Living With A Brain Injury.

When it comes to living with RA, a whole new world also opened up for Brenda. She took a risk and made a pivotal phone call, one Monday evening. That led to even more opportunities for Brenda. She ended up working with CreakyJoints, all centered around the 11th anniversary of her starting a biologic. Brenda got to pick the date; April 20, 2012. Before that special day, Brenda had a blog post published with T Man here, as her storyteller. It was titled; A Tale of 21 Years.

The next year 2013, CreakyJoints contacted her this time, with another opportunity. This was a chance for Brenda to use her voice and testify at the ND State Capitol. Again, centered around her taking a biologic, but this time it was to fight for others who live with diseases, such as inflammatory arthritis as Brenda does.

Brenda was part of a whole new beginning for advocates all over the country. When you can say that your state was one of the first 6 to have a bill passed into law, that is pretty cool. BOL I was so proud of Brenda that day. She gave it her all and was able to demonstrate by showing her hands, that the damage had already been done, before she was able to start taking a biologic.

Brenda has also coauthored a book; Real Life Diaries: Living With Rheumatic Diseases, which was published on October 12, 2017. What you might not know is, that date is significant, because that is World Arthritis Day. The idea to have that particular book published on that date was Brenda's.

The first book that she contributed to and was able to share both of her journeys of living with RA and being a brain tumor survivor was; Grief Diaries: Loss Of Health. So you see, the 2 continue to intersect. I don't think it's any coincidence that Arthritis and Brain Tumor Awareness, fall on the same month. I think it was meant to be, so that Brenda could even share her personal journeys with that deep passion of an advocate, that she possesses.

Brenda many times ends her posts on Facebook with; #BTsurvivorWhoLivesWithRA That is the essence of who she is and I am so proud to be her storyteller.

~T Man barking off~ 


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