Tale of Feeling Lost...
Hello it's Trevor here, with our July tale. Brenda has had another summer full of doctor's visits and tests. We try to be real with our posts and this one, will be no different. Brenda has been struggling. This week she almost had a vertigo attack during the night. It seemed when she would start to lie down, the room almost started to spin. As you know vertigo is that false sense, that the room is spinning, when actually it isn't. Tell that to the inside of your head. Brenda had what she needed on hand, to stop things from getting worse. Unfortunately after something like this happens, you're exhausted and all you want to do is rest. Brenda decided it was in her best interest to stay home from work. It's been frustrating, because she missed 2 days last week, getting ready for her 4th colonoscopy. She has a family history, so there was no choice in the matter. They found 3 polys and some irritation, called mild proctitis, which is a pain in the butt. Brenda still...