A November Tale...
Hi it's Brenda, who will be sharing this month's tale. As you may recall, at the beginning of this year, we shared: A January Tale, which was about my birthday. Today, is 9 years since Trevor came into my life. Trevor not only became a storyteller for my blog, but has helped me in ways that I never thought possible, when it comes to advocacy. You may be thinking to yourself, how can a stuffed golden retriever possibly be able to do all of these things? A big part of it is imagination and creativity. I created a storyteller, to help spice up my blog. I wanted to make it fun and much more creative. The next step was Trevor being involved in videos. His first of several was Tumors Suck. He also was a big inspiration, when it came to composing messages, first daily and then weekly. We have since stopped sharing them, because only a few were responding. All of this takes work and energy, something that I personally do not possess a lot of. Trevor has continued to help out in v...