
Showing posts from June, 2021

A Tale of Big Feelings...

Hello again! It's Trevor with our June tale. This time folks, we are going to delve into something deep and I'm not talking about digging for bones. BOL  We are going to share about Brenda's acquired brain injury, which was a result of her having a craniotomy performed on her right frontal lobe.  She was instantly inducted into the frontal lobers club. Belonging to this club was scary for Brenda at first. She didn't understand why she would start sobbing or become angry at the drop of a hat. She thought something was seriously wrong. The removal of this brain tumor was supposed to solve the problem, not create even bigger ones. That's not how life works, as we know it.  Frontal lobe syndrome was explained to Brenda by a professional this way. It can cause you to become angry quicker or easily brought to tears. It's caused by trauma to the brain. It is considered a brain injury. As was mentioned above, an acquired one. The frontal lobe has also been referred to a...