Tale of Friend or Foe?
Nobody ever said life would be easy...making friends is no different sometimes. Recently...I had to make a very hard and difficult decision. I had been involved in a friendship that I thought was going pretty well. We had some rocky times...but that is to be expected. Each time..thinking it would get better. I tried to be there for this person as much as I could...and in turn thought..I would get the same results. Depends on the day or the situation.. and so I found out the hard way. I was just about to share something really spectacular that had just happened to me..and the response was.."That maybe so, but I have more important things going on in my life right now." Believe me that hurt, as I was only trying to maybe cheer this individual up..but it took me by surprise..that I decided right then and there....that I was done investing in this friendship. That person really just told me..that what I had to share was of no value and that all their problems is all that I ...