A Grateful Tale...

Hi, Lil' Biscuit, here to introduce myself to you.  I came to live with Brenda and Trevor,
last November.  Trevor takes great care of me, while Brenda is at work.  I have a nice
cozy bed, as I am still a puppy and sleep a lot.

Trevor is helping me with this, as my paws are still too small to reach some of the keys. 
He is a great help and inspiration to Brenda. 

So with that, I will let Brenda continue to tell this wonderful tale.  Thanks Lil' Biscuit, that
was wonderful. 

It has been an amazing year to say the least.  My passion has been to help others and to
be an encouragement to them.  That dream was realized in so many ways this year.  We
have to actually back up to last December, when I got involved with a great project called,
Show Us Your Hands! poster project, along with an interactive collage.  A poster was
released with 483 pictures of beautiful hands.  Since this was such a big hit, why not try
to make this a 1,000 pictures of beautiful hands.  This goal was realized on April 7th of
this year.

For National Arthritis Awareness Month, which is in May, the 1,000 commemorative
poster was released.  You can actually download both of these posters for your relatives,
friends, or doctors offices.  I will post the link for your convenience.


Another great project that I was involved in was the Show Us Your Hands! photo book.
The book was also released this month, in honor of National Arthritis Awareness Month.
It is entitled "Our Hands Can!"  It is a wonderful book, comprised of stories of different
people living with inflammatory arthritis.  It is truly a book of inspiration and hope!

All proceeds for the posters and book go to Show Us Your Hands! for future projects, that
they will have down the pike.  I will post the link for the book as well, if you so desire to
purchase it.


I am so grateful for so many things, that have happened to me this year.  As you know, last
May, I lost my Mom to congestive heart failure.  One of the things she told me while she
was dying, was to live my life.  I had no idea, this is what she had in mind. 

I just want to put in a plug for RA Guy, as he was my guide for the book project.  One of
the things he allowed me to do with my hands story, was mention the fact that I am also a
brain tumor survivor.  With this also being National Brain Tumor Awareness month, this
was indeed an added blessing for spreading awareness and hope!

He also has a great page on Facebook, that if you happen to live with Rheumatoid Arthritis
(RA), it is a great place for inspiration, helpful tips and we even share a laugh or two. 

I want to leave you with a quote from RA Guy, that has truly turned my whole mindset
around with coping.  "I'm not a patient who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis. I'm a
person who "LIVES" with Rheumatoid Arthritis!" 

That is the whole point, I am living.  I am so grateful to all of you, who continue to
support me on this journey of living with RA!


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