A Tale of Liberation

Hey, it's Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog here again, to bring you another story of
Brenda's life.  We are going to be doing something different, in that this will
be a blog post of getting things off of our chests. 

Before we go any further, Brenda has distanced or been staying away from
negative people as much as possible.  Sometimes, that is not always possible,
as you have to engage with some, so what we are about to share is not about
our readers.  This is about people, that she has just had to cut out of her life.

This is just something that she once and for all, needs to get off of her chest.
Brenda has dealt with some pretty heavy life experiences, dating back to when
she was first diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) over twenty-two years
ago now.  We are not going to go all the way back there, but just so you know,
she has been fighting every day since. 

Imagine, something as easy as opening a door, becomes a source of agony, because
just turning the handle or door knob, causes your hand to ache.  Another one is
what might be a simple task to you, but those of you who live with RA or other
chronic illnesses, may be able to relate, flushing a toilet.  These are things we
don't really talk about much, because it is embarrassing to have to admit, that
something that should be so simple to do, becomes pure agony.  She did however,
share this with her GF a couple of weeks ago and she responded just like she
always has, with kindness and empathy. 

Brenda has experienced the other side of the coin as well, the people out there that
are just so self-centered.  Brenda has always tried to be there for her friends.  She
received a phone call once at 4:00 a.m. from a friend who was so upset about how
one of her male friends was treating her.  All Brenda could do was listen and try
to provide comfort.  You would think that when the tables were turned, she would
receive the same response.  Not on your life folks.

Here is the scene, Brenda's mother is in a nursing home, where she just found out a
few weeks before, that she was dying.  She also was sporting an air cast because
she had a torn tendon in her right foot.  She was kind enough to ask this friend to go
on an all expense paid trip, to a brain tumor meet and greet.  Here is where it gets
ugly folks.  Brenda had a terrible time flying and was not doing very well, by the
time they got to one destination.  They were even thinking of having Brenda go
to the hospital, but she fought hard for this trip and refused.  Just by Brenda
expressing that she did not want to go, she was told the next day in front of a
room full of brain tumor survivors, that she had an ugly personality.  Now Brenda,
just wanted to get up and leave and go back to her room.  Those of you that
know Brenda, know that she is a fighter, and she realized that some would
understand that after having had a brain surgery, that there would be some
personality changes.  She did however, get up and go to another table to

She tried to explain this in a letter to her friend, along with a gift, but it would
never be the same again.  Brenda did continue to hang out with her, but it was
becoming increasingly difficult, because of that comment about her having
an ugly personality.  Brenda has yet to have received a thank you for that
trip.  She recently received yet another invitation to one of her jewelry parties
and Brenda just decided that it was at this time, that she would break all ties
with this person.  She did not RSVP, oh the shame.  She just didn't want to
engage in a conversation with her, because no matter what you say, or how
you say it, would be wrong in her eyes.

We are not asking for pity here.  Brenda does not want it.  She is just wanting to
get this all out. 

She has also been told that nothing is good enough for her, and that she is a negative
person.  Have you ever heard such nonsense in your life?  Brenda tries so hard to
be positive and to build others up.  She does this, without even thinking about it.

She was told by one of her former classmates, that while they were in grade school,
Brenda stood up for this person.  She really does not remember doing it.  The person
was shy and maybe Brenda felt they were being teased, etc. 

She has lost friends since being diagnosed with RA.  A lot of it is really misunderstood,
and you really just get tired of explaining it.  If you cannot keep an engagement, some
see it as an attack on them.  If Brenda does keep the engagement, and not feeling up
to par, she is the one that ends up paying the price. 

This is very hard to write about and as she is telling me this, she has been very tearful.

She has also been told that she is demanding, all because she has made a suggestion.
Since when did a suggestion, become a demand?  This person also cried on Brenda's
shoulder the week she was to have surgery.  She was so afraid that it was going to
do horrible things to her body.  This was so unbelievable, because this same person
told Brenda, how positive a person she was.  She was fretting the whole week, all
the while Brenda was recovering from her 3rd attack with shingles. 

Finally Brenda had just had enough.  She finally told her that she was worrying
herself into a tizzy and that she would be praying for her.  She did end up doing
just fine with her surgery and all that worrying for nothing. 

Brenda didn't even get that bent out of shape before her craniotomy. 

She has just found that it has been better not to have these people in her life.  They
just became what she calls emotional vampires. 

She has moved forward and has made some wonderful friends.  She has also been
told recently, that she does not need friends in her life, only God.  What a horrible
thing to say.  We all need people. 

This was very difficult for Brenda to get out, but I think it was overdue.  She continues
to fight every day, but she will be there for you, cheering you on with all of your
accomplishments.  All she asks is for a little understanding.  Not every day is easy,
but she tries to remain positive and to be that shining light for those, who may need

Until next time, this is Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog, reminding you that every one
has their own special battle that they are fighting, so be kind whenever possible. 


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