Great Tales of 2012!!!

Hi, it's Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog, here once again, to share many wonderful
things, that happened to Brenda this year.  We are going to be doing some
big plugs for some wonderful organizations, all for the purpose of arthritis
awareness and hope. 

Neil Sedaka is one of Brenda's favorite singers and one of his songs "Calendar
Girl" could certainly be applied here.  Almost every month this year, something
good happened to Brenda. 

We start out with January.  As some of you know, that is her birthday month. 
She had an event, for brain tumor awareness, as she is also now a four-year
meningioma brain tumor survivor. 

A page was set up on Facebook by one of her brain tumor buddies.  People were
invited to share their pictures involving their own brain tumor journeys.  Almost
100 people participated, which was just awesome.  She also received many birthday
wishes, which was just wonderful.  It was also 50 degrees that day in January in
North Dakota, which is unheard of.

Next we go on to February, where she saw on the CreakyJoints Facebook page, an
opportunity to be involved with experiencing RA In The Workplace.  Little
did she know, when she made that initial phone call, where this would all
lead.  She did have a phone interview with the project manager, who was
there at that time.  She was just very excited about that, because she was
able to share her story of living with RA,  as she had been at that time,
for almost twenty-one years. 

March, she had another telephone conversation, but this time, not only with the
project manager but also with Co-Founder and President, Seth Ginsberg, who
has since become her friend.  It was at this time that they decided that they were
coming to Bismarck, ND to work with Brenda for a work advocacy day. 

They wanted to make this special, so Brenda actually got to pick out the date,
April 20th, which was also the same date, 11 years ago that she started her
Biologic for her Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), that changed her life. 

They came all the way from New York, where the Global Healthy Living
Foundation is based out of.  I will post links at the end of this post, so
you can check out all of these wonderful places. 

Before they came, she was also asked to be a guest blogger, for the CreakyJoints
newsletter.  This was pretty awesome, because Brenda's Brainstorm is the name
of her blog, where we share tales of her being a brain tumor survivor.  There are
just some wonderful people out there, that get it, that awareness and hope for any
chronic illness is key, CreakyJoints being one of them.

She has now had 2 blog posts and a poem, which has started out her love for
writing poetry.  She just can't seem to stop. 

We are not going to go into great detail regarding her work advocacy day, as
that has been written about in previous blog posts and also links were posted
there as well. 

She had a chance to share her story with local representatives, do a local TV
interview and also a newspaper interview. 

May, National Arthritis Awareness Month, brought about 2 wonderful things. 
The 1,000 Show Us Your Hands! commemorative poster was released along
with the book, "Our Hands Can!" where Brenda's hand story is featured.  Her
guide for the book RA Guy, who had a great vision to start Show Us Your
Hands! which just celebrated their one-year anniversary recently, allowed
her to also mention, that she was a brain tumor survivor.  He gets big plugs
for this.  We will mention all of this at the end of this post.  I find it will be
easier for our readers, to have this all in one place.

June, she was asked again to be a guest blogger for CreakyJoints.

July, her first poem was published in the CreakyJoints newsletter.

August, another blog post was published in the CreakyJoints newsletter. 

September, she had another phone interview with CreakyJoints, with a nice
lady named Donna, who has since become a friend also. 

Brenda also celebrated her 4th Craniversary, that is what they refer to their
brain tumor anniversaries on September 8th. 

October, brought another golden named Crumpet to her apartment, to join
Lil Biscuit and myself, rounding out our Golden Trio.  She wrote a wonderful
poem about us, which was in the last blog post. 

November, she was asked to become CreakyJoints Poet's Corner & Artists Too,
Editor.  She was just so surprised to even be asked.  She did not hesitate, she
said yes. 

December, this past Tuesday, it was officially announced that she would be the Editor
of CJ Poet's Corner & Artists Too.  They go live next year, so this is very exciting
for Brenda. 

So you see, 2012 has been a really wonderful year for Brenda.  There were some
sad times as well, but she has endured.  

We will end this tale with the links, as promised.  I just want to wish all of our
readers a Healthy And Happy 2013!!  Thanks, for all the support this year, with
following this blog and also for your kind responses to my weekly messages on


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