Tale of a Braggart

Hello, it's Trevor once again to share another tale, which I feel will be of
extreme interest.

As you know, this blog is based on situations or happenings in Brenda's life.
It is called Brenda's Brainstorm after all.  I was added later, to do my part with
telling her stories.

She recently was called a "Braggart." Webster's Dictionary defines braggart, "as
an offensively boastful person."  Brenda is anything but offensive.  She was also
told that if others don't think like she does, then everyone else is wrong.  Are you
kidding me?  She has never ever told one person how to live their life.  All she
wants you to do, is to try and make the best of what you have.  Is that so wrong?

She was also told that EVERYONE was sick and tired of her bragging, blogging,
and her fake stupid dogs.  Well the last comment really was an attack on her
personally.  I am a big part of her spreading awareness and hope.  I after all
have a job, being a Mascot for Christine's Kids.  A job I take very seriously. 

She was really blindsided by these comments, which she realizes came out of
anger and also jealousy.  She really started to doubt herself and so she asked
if these things were true?  She got so much support back from people, that it
was amazing.  I am thinking to myself, OMD, how can people be so cruel?

So we decided we would just run with this and turn it into a positive.  Apparently
being positive is also a bad thing in some people's eyes.

Brenda's life has really turned around in the past year in a really big way.  She is
what is known as a super advocate, along with all the others that recently joined
Seth's 50 State Network.  So we are going to be doing some bragging of our own
right in this blog post.  Check out this link, and if this is something you think you
could find yourself doing, by all means sign up.


She had her first conference call the other evening.  She told me it was inspiring to
hear so many people out there, that truly want to make a difference.  The call was
almost an hour.  She even got to speak briefly with one the ladies that was featured
with her in the book, "Our Hands Can!"  

So we thought, we would go one step further and explain why this blog post is so
important.  As advocates, we should be proud of what we are trying to convey and
let it spread like wildfire.  Excitement and positivity are 2 great things to see, when
you are working with someone.  She has experienced both on 2 very great occasions.

We have covered both in detail in previous blog posts, with her special advocacy
work day and also with her testifying at the ND State Capitol. 

So she wants to encourage you to find what it is you are passionate about
and go out there with everything you've got.  I even suggested we get buttons
made up for our campaign.  BB, no not Bugs Bunny!  "Braggart Brigade!"

After all, if we are not being bold and boastful about what we do, how can we
expect anyone else, to see that excitement or even want to jump on that train?

So when you really think about it, being a "Braggart" really isn't a bad thing
after all, now is it? 

This is Trevor, The Tell Tale Dog, until next time, encouraging you all to find
what you are passionate about and shout it out loud! 


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