Tale of Journey to the Center of My Brain...

This blog really comes out of what I have been going through recently. As you know, all of my writings come out of personal experience. They say experience, is the best teacher.

Anyway...I am happy to say...that it has now been 18 months since my brain surgery. WOW! When I say it out loud...it is just so unbelievable to me.

So much has happened. I have definitely developed some real different coping mechanisms. You have to really...this has become such a different kind of lifestyle.

One of the things that has changed along this journey...is my ability to write. I would have never been doing this prior to brain surgery. I guess it's true...that you really do become creative, after going through such an ordeal.

I also really feel much more sensitive to everything really. Noises, especially high pitched sounds...literally send me through the ceiling.

I also have developed a new habit of pretty much wearing my cozy cap to bed..most every night now, as well as on weekends..when I don't have to go out. It truly helps alleviate some of the severe head pain..that I experience at times.

I also have to be very careful not to bend over suddenly or a wave of nausea..just seems to wash over me. It can actually happen just sitting...really no rhyme or reason.

My balance is certainly somewhat to blame in all of this. I just haven't been able to find the right combination to counteract this. I will in time..just need to be patient.

Also along this journey...I also manage to hold down a full time job...which is a challenge to say the least at times. I am so fatigued by the end of the day...but I feel good in retrospect, that I can accomplish this each day. Some people in my position...are not working.

One thing that people who have had brain surgery have in common, is that our life is forever changed. It may be a hard pill to swallow...but we just need to make the best of it and continue along this journey.

I realize, that there are things that I must do also. I need to take good care of myself...by getting enough rest...a balanced diet, exercising, drinking plenty of water and taking my vitamins. I also have been able to get off some of my medication..for which I am really grateful.

I also have things that I enjoy doing...like reading, laughing and now my latest hobby...writing my thoughts.

It has been really great for me personally, to realize that I am not alone in this journey. In fact, I know, of numerous, ladies and gents..from my support group, Meningioma Mommas...who are on this path right along with me.

It's so uncanny, I will go there and read how someone's day has gone...and I am saying to myself...I feel just like that. It makes me feel somewhat human.

One thing that you all have to do..if you are tired of hearing about our journeys..is to..as one of my mommas so bluntly said..."Suck It Up" This is something that happened to us...and if you are truly our friends, you will allow us the courtesy to share some of what happens to us on our journeys. After all...we listen to you, when you share what is going on in your life. I know I do, and it's seems to be a fair trade off in the long run.

So there you have it...a complex journey, if you will. After all, it involves the brain. I also being of the frontal lobe community...become emotional very easily. This can actually be a good thing...I just don't fight it anymore. It comes from the fact..of that being the high functioning level of my brain.

This can really make your head spin...and I mean literally.

I hope you have enjoyed my chance to share my Journey To The Center Of My Brain with you.


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