Tuesday Tale...A Day In the Life of a Nursing Home...

Trevor here once again with another inspiring story...that Brenda is going to share this time.  Her Mom has now been in the nursing home just a little over 3 weeks and so much has happened.  She is going to share with you what she experienced.. when she spent a day with her Mom and to give you a bird's eye view of what a day may be like for her Mom.  I hope you enjoy it! 

I wanted to call it...A Dog's Day In February...but it really has nothing to do with ole Trevor here...so here it is...take it away Brenda!

Thanks Trevor...for that wonderful intro...

As you know...Mom entered a nursing home just a little over 3 weeks now.  I attended what they call a care conference...that is held for new residents and their families...usually after the resident has been there for about 2 weeks or so. 

It was a most interesting day...here is just some of what I gleaned from it. 

The care conference consists of all the people that are involved in Mom's care.  The social worker, nurses, PT, OT, dietitians, activities she is involved in, etc.  You get the picture.  Anyway we were allowed to ask questions or voice our concerns.  It's a very open environment and everyone was so helpful in answering our questions or concerns that we had.

One big concern is the fact that Mom just can't seem to put on much weight.  So they are working on getting her some nutrition...especially at breakfast...so she is strong enough to do her PT & OT...which she does for a half-hour each...5 days a week.

I had a chance to sit in on her OT...and I gotta tell ya...that is quite the workout.  They allow her to rest in between exercises...as they monitor her oxygen levels very carefully.  All the while I was there...her levels were in the 90's...which is where you want them to be.  Prior to all of this...they were as low as the 70's...which can be dangerous...and that was usually brought on by having her walk. 

She has actually been able to go without her oxygen...but they continue to monitor that very carefully. 

We had to make some switches in how her PT & OT is done.  Since she gets so tired...it was suggested that she eat her breakfast first...to give her a chance to gain some strength and then do the PT.  She does the same with the OT after her lunch...and this has worked out so much better. 

It's very important...that she continue with these exercises so she can continue to get stronger with each day.  She is quite the trouper.  When I observed the OT...which is where they concentrate more on the strength training...she did hand gripping...much like I had to do for my carpal tunnel therapy. 

There was this one exercise where she had to push colored rings over this thing...that actually reminded me of a rainbow.  She pushed them all on one side and then the other.  This was to help her gain strength in her upper arms. They would switch off with the various exercises...gradually building up her reps...usually around 15 or so.

She has really been through a lot in the last month.  As I write this...it has almost been 4 weeks to the day...that our lives took a very drastic turn.

Mom is facing all of this with an attitude that is uncommon to most people.  She is plainly and simply...a *FIGHTER*...she is getting stronger with each day.  She is able to get around in her room, etc.

She has also gotten to pet a dog...when they have pets come visit the residents in their rooms.  This is usually done every Thursday.  She has played BINGO and has won! 

We were even able to take her out for a couple of hours...a few weeks back...to get back to the apartment...which I think was important.

I have even taken her for wheelchair rides down to the lobby...so she can see outside.

She wants to thank everyone who has visited, sent cards, gifts and for the many calls she has received.  This has made this so much easier for us...to really know that you care that much.

We are taking one day at a time...and hoping for the best.  I will do anything for her...as she is truly my *BEST FRIEND*

I hope this gave you just a little glimpse of what a day is like for her.  Thanks for allowing me to share this most inspiring story and also to Trevor, who is my inspiration and a great help to me.


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