A Tale of Community...

Hello, it's Brenda here, starting off with our 2nd blog post of the year. Trevor will be sharing about the importance of interacting with others and community in a bit. I wanted to say how blessed I've been, to have such a great storyteller. This month marks 7 years, that he started sharing our tales. His first blog post was February 13, 2011, just after my mother entered the nursing home. Several milestones are being celebrated this year. This is one of them. Trevor will now continue with our tale.

Thank you Brenda! I've enjoyed working my paws and sharing these tales. BOL. As Brenda mentioned, we are going to explore the importance of interacting with others and community.

What does that mean exactly? Interacting with someone can be as simple, as a smile, while passing someone in the hallway. In Brenda's case, that would include the local hospital. Brenda goes to get her lunch there almost every day. She doesn't have to go outside, because there is a tunnel connected between the clinic, where she is employed and the hospital.

Brenda likes walking down the halls of the hospital and being greeted. Most people will say "Good Morning" or even smile. It can truly make your day.

She also interacts with people, as she is walking to work. A simple "Good Morning" is not going to hurt anyone. Say "Hello" at least. Even the dogs will bark. I believe we have our own way of interacting. BOL

Brenda does not have family close by and she lives alone, so it's paramount that she has that interaction every day. It can be something as simple as a phone call. Even babies need to be touched and held. It's so important in the beginning of their development. Puppies are the same, too. BOL

The next thing we want to explore is the importance of community. Since Brenda does not have any family near, she compensates by being involved with a community. In her case, that would mean her different groups relating to advocacy.

Brenda usually is involved in at least 3 teleconference calls per month. This is all with the Global Healthy Living Foundation aka CreakyJoints. She is involved with Patient Council, 50-State Network and Patient Partners in Research. She may also be involved with a webinar, where she can also interact by using the chat box.

Social media has also become an important place for interaction and community. Brenda is only involved in one aspect and that is Facebook. Anything else, would be too stimulating to keep up with. You also know that Brenda is a brain tumor survivor, so those are things that she must take into account.

Brenda has been told things about her, that are not true. Being her companion, I will step in, when I see that she is being wronged. Several weeks ago, she was involved in a situation, that shouldn't have happened. Let's just say that it made her become even more antisocial. She realizes this person has done this to others, but at the same time, it was hurtful. She will never receive an apology or for that matter, doesn't wish to engage, with this individual. Have you heard of adult bullying? It happens, more than you know. Brenda was even told, that she didn't have a right to be upset, for what this person said the first time. You never tell another person, how they should feel. I was proud of Brenda for how she handled this. Inside, she was seething!

Brenda has shed a lot of tears because of this. Others do realize that she feels bad and was told that she should not. They were encouraging her, not the opposite. There is a big difference, how you approach someone.

Words do hurt and can scar for life. Brenda has chosen to move on and realizes that this person will never change. It's best to just stay away from them. If you have to cross their path, you are cordial, but you do not need to engage with them.

Just so we are clear, this situation took place out in the real world. A place that isn't so nice sometimes.

Brenda wishes to surround herself with positive people and that goes for social media as well. She is involved in a wonderful group with dog lovers, such as herself. They have welcomed both of us with open paws. BOL

Brenda has several milestones that she will be sharing about this year. I will be sharing about them, in our monthly tales.

I would like to leave our readers with a wonderful graphic that Brenda has designed, all based around the importance of community. 

Until next time ~Trevor~
Blogger's Note: This is for reading purposes only, these activities are no longer happening. 


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