Tale of Managing a Great Day with RA...

RD Blog Week - Day Two: Tips - How do you stay fit, cope with stress, relax, or capitalize on a great day. Tell us your secrets for the best life possible. 

I always try to start out my day, by getting up extra early. I never know what RA may throw at me, especially during my work week. I want to be sure and allow myself enough time for breakfast and getting dressed for work. I'm within walking distance to my place of employment, so I usually have my music with me, and listen to on the way. It helps to keep me centered. Did you know that when you exercise and listen to music, that you are using 100% of your brain? That's definitely a win-win right there.

Walking is my main form of exercise. It's a great help, with my lower back issues. I have a bulging disc at L5 -S1, aka Lumbosacral Joint, which was discovered during a CT scan of my spine back in 1984. I know exercising is key to help keeping it limber, so it doesn't tighten up.

How I cope with stress, is trying to not let the little things get to me. That is easier said than done. I find that writing in a journal allows me to get my feelings out and I don't have to continue to stew about a certain situation. I believe in always moving forward. It's the best way. I've found it's my catalyst for coping.

Humor is also paramount, when you are dealing with a chronic illness, such as RA. I actually don''t think about how much pain I may be in, when I'm laughing, because that is all I am focusing on at that moment. I always find that if you can laugh at yourself, because let's face it, we all do silly things at times, is good. I have a tendency of taking myself too seriously at times. I got myself a smartphone last week. I'm still learning a lot about it. They don't tell you everything at the place, where you got it, so it's been a lot of trial and error. Believe me, a lot of error involved.

I made my first video and it ended up being sideways, instead of up and down. However, when I shared it on social media, it turned out the right way. I was happy that it worked out that way. It didn't pay to let myself become upset, because I couldn't figure it out. I'm the type of person, who can manage to find a workaround with many situations. It may not be the exact way of doing things, but it works for me, so who cares?

My best days are the ones, knowing that I've done something to make a difference. It can be something simple, as smiling at someone. Fighting every day is so important, If that means staying in bed and getting recharged, so be it. There are days, when I cannot make it to work. I have to be smart and realize, that I cannot be superwoman every day.

My way of relaxing is reading a good book or watching TV. I'm so grateful for On Demand, where I can watch some of my favorites later. I usually go to bed early most nights during the week, so the weekends are my time to relax and unwind.

My great days are those when I'm in minimal pain. They do happen and for those, I'm most grateful.



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