Tale of a Golden Hero

Hello my fellow readers! It's Trevor pawnouncing our very first ever "BARK OF THE MONTH" recipient. Each month, we will feature one canine, deserving of this honor. So put your paws together and wait for it! BOL

It is with great pleasure that we pawnounce this month's "BARK OF THE MONTH" the pawmazing Reser. You may have seen him hanging around, with his golden bros ParkerPup and little Gill.

Reser is a 5 year old male golden retriever. He is one of 3,000 enrolled in the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, a groundbreaking study that should provide some insight into cancer in dogs. For golden retrievers this is especially important, as they are at a higher risk for developing cancer. Reser is truly a golden hero in our eyes. He also works alongside Parker to help raise awareness. I got some of this info, from the back of  Parker's calendar. BOL Brenda has been getting those every year, since she started following his page on Facebook.

Reser is owned by ParkerPup's girl Jenn, and his human dad, Dan. We also hang out at ParkerPup's Posse, a group that Brenda enjoys so much.

So Reser, congratulations... on being our first ever "BARK OF THE MONTH" recipient. I hope you get a special treat, to help celebrate.

This is T Man barking off until next month...

Blogger's Note: Since this was published, Reser sadly has gone to The Rainbow Bridge. He will always be a golden hero in our eyes. 



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