Tale of a Fall...

Today, marks the 10th Blogiversary of Brenda's Brainstorm & Trevor, or the date 10 years ago, when Brenda started her own personal blog. It was originally named Brenda's Brainstorm, but a couple years later, I was added as her storyteller. We have shared the good and the not so good, as we will again, in this tale. This is Tale #141, which I think is pretty pawsome for 10 years. That does not include Brenda's blogs posts as a guest.

She has also participated in RA/RD Blog Week for the past 4 years and those posts are included in this blog. It also contains her accomplishments and special features. They are all located on the left side, when you click on the top left, of the main page. Check it out and you will see, that this has become a real encouraging place to visit. We are also real here too. Without further delay, her is our latest tale.


On September 18th, which was a Wednesday, Brenda was walking home, after she had finished her errand at the pharmacy. It was a strange day, as she had just returned from seeing her PCP across town, due to the fact that her blood pressure medication was clearly making her sick. She was dealing with dizziness and achy joints. When you already live with RA, you don't need more joints to ache or swell.

There could have been several factors involved with what would happen next. We may never know. Brenda was listening to Madonna and thinking how maybe this visit with the doctor turned out okay after all, as she was able to get back on one of the medications she had been on, prior to her brain tumor diagnosis. Yes, Brenda is an eleven year brain tumor survivor. She deals with more than one challenge and yet, another one was about to happen.

The next thing Brenda was to experience, was what she refers to as a freak accident. All of a sudden, Brenda could tell that she was starting to fall and there was no way, she could stop the impact. What it would be, or was, could not be determined until after the fall. Brenda was carrying a handbag over her shoulder and also a bag with her biologic, full of ice packs. This is probably what caused her to be able to break her fall and not land directly on the sidewalk face first, or even end up hitting her head. She did sustain a small bruise on her jaw, which made impact with her purse. This purse has a lot of sparkling gems on the front. She only lost one during this whole ordeal, her watchband didn't fair too well, as well as her left hand, which now has several deep scars from when she tried to break her fall.

The worst part was when Brenda landed on both of her knees HARD on the sidewalk. She knew that was going to happen, but how bad it would be, was not determined until she got home. Yes, Brenda was somehow able to get up, after lying there for several minutes. Brenda cannot even get into a bathtub or get out, how was she going to be able to get up from this fall? She managed to get close to some grass and was able to push herself up. She didn't even tear her slacks. If you want to get a good pair of slacks, JC Penney has a wonderful selection that hold up during a fall. BOL I had to get that in there folks.

In all seriousness, when Brenda got home, it was discovered that she banged up both of her knees pretty good. They were bruised and her right one was bleeding quite a bit. She managed to clean it up, so it would not get infected. It ended up with a huge blister, that would ooze and you could see that through her slacks. Several people mentioned that fact. It was not bleeding, so she put an extra band-aid to protect it from oozing any further.

Her knees continue to burn and she now has a big scar on the right knee. While this could have been much worse, it still was serious. Brenda probably saved herself from breaking any bones, due to the fact that she does take calcium and Vitamin D supplements. Brenda does a lot of walking, which also has kept her in shape. She was back out there the next day, walking to work. She has no choice, but to keep fighting.

Has this been traumatic for Brenda? You bet!! When you're at that stage in your life, when you start sustaining falls, you're are more likely to experience more. That scares Brenda. She has been crying, not only because of the pain, but because of some of the nonsense that others say. "You're lucky you didn't get hurt. She did get HURT!!!

Dealing with RA already, doesn't help that this happened in the first place. Someone saw her fall from across the street and didn't bother to come and check, to see if she needed help. Brenda thinks about if she wouldn't have been able to get up. Sure she had her cellphone, but who do you call, 911? I guess that would have only been her only option.

The only thing Brenda thinks happened, was that she somehow, tripped on the not so even part of the sidewalk, and that is when the fall started. It happened so fast. She could have gotten dizzy, as she was still on that medication for her blood pressure, or she could have tripped on a rock or twig, there are so many on the sidewalks. We will never know. Does it really matter anyway? Brenda got hurt bad and all that would have been nice, would be to see how you're doing and not the snide comments.

It's now been almost a month and her knees still hurt. Yes, it wasn't much worse, but that doesn't mean, it wasn't bad enough. There is a saying, and I will close with this; If you can't support someone when they are down, then don't expect to rejoice with them, when they reach their mountaintop."

This is ~T Man Barking Off~


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the fall. Hope you're doing well now. Here's to 10 more years!

    1. Thanks Renee for stopping by. Still slowly healing.


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