Tale of a Vaccine; Part Two and a Little More... BOL

Hello, it's Trevor here with our February tale. Did you realize that today 10 years ago, Brenda's Brainstorm added a new addition? I became storyteller for this blog. It was first; Featuring Trevor's Tales, then it was changed to Trevor the Tell Tale Dog and now it's Brenda's Brainstorm & Trevor. I'm now known as T Man, with my own production company. BOL 

Seriously folks, Brenda has allowed me to enjoy quite a plush lifestyle. Get it? BOL Not only am I her storyteller for our monthly blog posts, I was featured twice in her first published blog posts with CreakyJoints back in 2012. I became a mascot for some special JA kids. I've been mentioned over the airwaves by our good friend; Rick Franzo. He thought I was real. Even called me a trickster. BOL Can you imagine that? I was even mentioned in the first book that Brenda coauthored in 2016. We are not going to get into details here, as most of our readers know the background. 

We are spending a quiet day around the apartment, as it's too cold for man or even a beast like me to be out in. BOL Speaking of those that are like me, I'm so excited to share this. We now have 2 dogs in The White House. German Shepherds, Champ and Major Biden. Major is a rescue they got, because they felt Champ needed companionship. Much like I've been a companion to Brenda for all these years. Brenda's mother even told her, that I would be. I've enjoyed bringing you these tales, along with my inspirational messages and Barks of Gold. I strictly am now Brenda's storyteller for T Man Productions, which I purchased with 10 bag of bones last year. BOL I crack myself up. 

Happy 10 years to me and many more! On with our tale...

In last's month post, we shared how Brenda had received her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. She received Moderna on December 28th. Brenda received her 2nd dose of Moderna on January 25th and I have to tell you folks, this time her reactions were much more active. 

What we are about to share are Brenda's experiences and are doing this for informational purposes only. Please talk to your rheumatologist or health care provider, if you have any concerns. Brenda had a visit with her rheumatologist last August discussing this. Not a rushed decision at all. 

Here is what happened that day and after. Brenda had the shot in the right arm this time. She actually watched the nurse put it in, as she wanted to soak in the whole experience. She noticed that the nurse cleansed the area thoroughly, before actually doing the injection. Much like what Brenda does before her weekly biologic injections. Just a side note here; Brenda was able to keep on schedule with her biologic, just like with the first dose of Moderna. That is a question that had been raised and I wanted to clarify. It turned out that both of her injections of Moderna fell on a Monday and Thursday is her regular day for her biologic, so it worked out great. 

She noticed a cooling sensation as the nurse was injecting the vaccine. That lasted for several hours after. The nurse told her that she might experience a sore arm and that it might become red and hard around the injection site. Nothing to be concerned about. It was definitely different this time. Brenda again had to stay 30 minutes after, to make sure there were no adverse reactions. There were not. Her arm however, did start to hurt much quicker this time. She even walked home as she did last time with no issues. 

That evening several hours later, Brenda started experiencing chills. She put on her flannel pajamas and cranked up the heat, which she left up all night. The chills lasted all night, but no fever, headache or body aches. By morning they were gone. Interesting fact is that Brenda was able to sleep on that arm the first night. With her first injection of the vaccine, it took several nights before she could sleep on that side. 

The next day Brenda started noticing a raised red area, but it was hard like the nurse said it might be. She was able to exercise that morning with no restrictions. Again that evening the chills set in again and lasted the whole night but oddly, slept pretty well. 

Woke up the next morning and the chills were gone. By now the rash was starting to form a circle around where the injection was given. It was starting to itch at times, but her arm was not as sore as last time.

Still no headache, body aches or nausea, but those chills once again that evening started, but ended up not being as bad as the previous 2 nights. Another side note; although Brenda did not have a fever, her temperatures were a little higher than normal. She was told that is a sign of her immune system working. Living with an autoimmune disease, Brenda found much comfort in knowing that. 

By the end of the week, the chills were gone, but woke up with night sweats, so Brenda knew that things were back to normal. That still happens from time to time. Something to do with life. BOL 

Brenda wanted me to mention that after her first and 2nd doses, she had a bout with stomach issues. We do not know if this was related. Could have been a delayed reaction. As you know, clinical studies of these COVID-19 vaccines were not tested on those living with autoimmune conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We wanted to be completely transparent here and detailed as possible. We also do not want to scare anyone. Brenda does not regret having had either of these done. In fact, this is one way she feels that her life can one day return to some type of normal. Brenda still wears her mask, as they continue to have a mask mandate at work, social distancing and of course washing our paws, I mean hands frequently. 

Up to this week, her rash although continuing to fade, you can still see where it was. It does not burn, itch or is no longer hard. 

Brenda is hoping in a couple of months to venture out to the mall. She is starting to look like a sheepdog. BOL

We hope you enjoyed this tale. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor. They most likely have had the vaccine, as Brenda sat with some health care providers who were having theirs as well that day. 

This has been another T Man Production and now I'm barking off. 

Source unknown


  1. Thanks for sharing about Brenda and her vaccine experiences Trevor and congrats on your 10 year anniversary of becoming storyteller and what a great story teller you are. Much love to you both xoxo.

    1. Judy, thank- you for your kind words. We are honored to be your friend. Thanks for all of your support over the years. T Man & Brenda

    2. Both you and Brenda are very welcome xoxo Tha you for your support too so glad we are friends 😃👍🏼.

  2. Hey T-Man, Big Rick gets in line in two weeks, maybe. Big Rick heard that he may need to stop his high end pharma soup for a few weeks, maybe even a month or two or three even. Maybe Big Rick needs some Brenda secret sauce. Who knows. I do not want to blow my big chance to get to the mall. hey T-man wanna go to the mall with me dude? We can stop by the couch store, maybe you can visit a cousin or two? Just saying.

    1. Hey Rick, you almost made me drop my bone, while I was reading this. BOL Glad you're closer to getting what you need. Anytime you want to go by that couch store, that would be pawsome. BOL Seriously bro, thanks for stopping by. You're one cool dog in my book. BOL

  3. T Man certainly enjoys a "plush lifestyle." That made me BOL! I appreciate the candor as well as the vulnerability (that we all experience by being an advocate), as you reveal much of yourself through the T Man in order to share your thoughts, feelings and experiences. You do this to educate others. This is such a gift. I present this blog entry as a big step for you, and us all, to hopefully return to enjoying the things that we shall never take for granted again.

    Another dog gone GOOD entry! Blanca says ruff to the T Man and has kisses for Brenda. She IS the kissing bandit after all. Bravo and thanks. We sign off saying, see you next month and WOOF!

    1. Renee, Thank you! I am so glad we are fellow advocates in our own ways, but still have a common goal. Hug Blanca for me. T Man barks a hello back. BOL


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