A Tale of Loss...
Hello my fellow readers, it's Trevor aka T Man with another tale for October as promised. This one will be a difficult one to navigate and for Brenda to share, with my paws at the keyboard. BOL We are going to be exploring the subject of loss. There are many sides of the spectrum, loss of a loved one, your health, job, etc. the list could go on and on. Brenda knows all too well about losses she has sustained in her immediate family. Family dynamics can be tricky and I'm sure you have even dealt with situations where you are estranged from family members. Brenda always wants this blog to be real and transparent as possible. She has dealt with the estrangement of a sibling for well over a decade. It was their choice to part ways and Brenda no longer can shed tears for something she has no idea what caused this in the first place. Brenda has even been contacted about how this sibling is doing. She has no idea. Brenda attempted to reach out to them during her mother's illn...