A Tale of Lost Traditions...

Hello and welcome to our 2nd tale for November. This will be our final tale for 2021, as we are taking a break, during the holiday season.

Brenda in all candor, would like the whole thing to be over. It's not a joyful time for her. She has no family to celebrate with. It's a busy time for her at work, with total exhaustion by the time she gets home and for what? 

The holidays have always been challenging for Brenda. Her memories are not that happy. Not being able to participate in the Christmas concert at school, because Brenda ended up getting sick. Her immune system was already trashed as a young child. Celebrating with her parents and then having to be taken back to her apartment to spend the rest of the day alone, because she was not invited to her sister's. Imagine having that happen to you and not knowing why. Yes, this is the same sister who she has been estranged from for almost 14 years. 

Brenda is done trying to figure this nonsense out, because that is simply what it is. We ask that you be sensitive and not make things worse. Don't ask why she didn't confront her parents about it. Brenda didn't want them to be in the middle. You went along with what was happening, end of story. 

Brenda would usually go to the mall, so she could at least get out of her apartment on Christmas Eve, but that's not going to be happening this year. The pandemic and not enough people out there wearing masks or being vaccinated, she has to be vigilant. 

Brenda does not have a car, so suggesting that she volunteer or get involved in a church, is out of the question. You can't just ask anyone for help, as things are so different now. Are you going to ask that said person, if they have been vaccinated? If you ask them to wear a mask, you run the risk of making them upset, but for your own health and safety, that is what needs to be done. It's easier to just do nothing, even if it means you're going to be alone. 

Brenda will be alone once again for Christmas as she has been, since her mother passed away. Brenda wishes she could snap her fingers and all this holiday hoopla would be over. Brenda knows the meaning, so don't even go there. It's simply not a happy time and brings on anxiety and lots of tears.

The holidays can be a horrible time for those, especially who have lost loved ones or may be estranged from family members. Brenda realizes she is not alone and part of the reason this subject was chosen, was to show others that she is not the only one. 

The holidays can be a sad and lonely time, especially now that we are the midst of a pandemic. It has taken so much, not only our friends, but for others, members of their own family. 

Those that celebrate, get so caught up in it all with their own families, that's fine, but try to be respectful and kind to those who struggle during this time. 

Another past tradition that now has to be halted is giving to charities. Brenda has to think about herself and how she is going to manage her finances for next year. This is something that was started when her sister who passed away from colon cancer requested, during her last Christmas. Instead of giving gifts to each other, it was decided that they would give to their favorite charities. Brenda has however, been helping out local businesses all year long and this will continue, with having her groceries delivered indefinitely. 

For those of you who are blessed to have your family members near and can celebrate, cherish that time. It can all change in an instant. 

Please respect Brenda's wishes in how she manages this holiday season. There are many lonely people out there, that deserve to be able to grieve, in their own way. 

We've given you a lot to think about. We will leave it there. 

Take care, until next time. 

~T Man Barking Off~ 


  1. T-Man, it is OK to be sad at the holidays. However, I hope you and Brenda remember that churches are open, homeless shelters need food prep and serves the week between Christmas and New Year and here is a fun thing sitting and watching people at the mall is hilarious.

    T-Man let Brenda know how much the entire arthritis and brain communities love her. I know how tough it can be I get depressed at the holidays as well. I dislike the holidays myself. But the world goes on and we get to figure out how to be in it. We can do it, the bastards will not get us down. Never!!


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