A Tale of Pause...

It's with a heavy heart, that I have decided until further notice to pause my blog; Brenda's Brainstorm & Trevor. It has been almost 13 years of sharing 2 significant journeys with the help of my storyteller and companion, Trevor aka T-Man, who I brought on board in 2011. 

As of late my energy level is not where I want it to be. It's time for me to take a break and figure out where I will continue with this, if at all. I will leave it up for anyone to read. There are as of last week, 171 blogs posts. If you wish to comment, I would love that. 

In the meantime, I will be sharing blog posts from the past years. As you will notice, my style of writing has evolved over the years. I would like to think that is a sign of growth as a writer. 

I had no idea when I sat down and composed my first blog post almost 13 years ago, where this would all lead. It has given me great opportunities to be involved in several writing projects. 

I want to thank all of our faithful readers. 

Thank you for your understanding and encouragement in helping me reach this decision. 

Blessings ~Brenda & T Man~ 

                                                                Photo Source Unknown


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