A Tale of Getting Through the Holidays!!

This blog is very personal to me and is written, deep within my soul.

First off...I personally feel that the holiday we should be celebrating the most, Thanksgiving, gets lost between Halloween and Christmas. It seems to me, that day just seems to get swept under the rug, so to speak. I have many things to be thankful for. I am a one year + brain tumor survivor...have a wonderful mom, who I love very much.

Now, it seems that the Christmas music starts playing in the stores earlier each year and the decorations are up not much after Halloween or even before. It's simply just too early!

Some of the plain facts that I want to bring out here is...that the holidays in general, can be a very distressing time for some. For many, it is a constant reminder of loved ones who are no longer with us. Another fact, there is a lot more loneliness experienced at this time, especially with those that are house bound. : (

I write this for myself, as much as anybody. I have lived alone for over 28 years, but don't kid yourself, I get very lonely during the holidays.

I have actually had people tell me, they just wished they could sleep through Christmas and wake up on New Years Day! I understand how they feel.

It's a very hectic time for many. It's an extremely busy time for me at my place of employment. Everyone, trying to get everything done before the year's end.

I have tried to eliminate some of this stress, by making things as easy as possible. I am continuing in the tradition of my sister...who died, in giving to charities. So you see, I wasn't out there with all those bargain hunters on Black Friday!

Another thing that I no longer do is send out Christmas cards. I have 2 very valid reasons. 1.) The postage is just too high and 2.) Nothing irritates me more than just receiving a card with a signed name...many times that being an engraved one at that. You can email just as easily and even use decorative stationery besides.

If sending cards is your thing, my hats off to you.

If you like to decorate your home and put lights outside, I think that is great. It just doesn't make sense for me, because I spend Christmas with my mom. It's all just a way of making it easier for me, as I live a much different lifestyle now.

We all have our own ways of celebrating..and that is wonderful. I really think that it's all for the children..seeing their faces...when they open up their packages. I really enjoyed this, when I was a child.

I fear that many get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything that has to be done...that the true meaning is lost.

Another thing you can do if you are hosting a party, don't be shy about asking your guests for help in bringing certain items, etc. You should be able to enjoy the party as well.

You can also decide to just bake a few goodies. Why must we have all this stress put upon us? We think everything has to be perfect..by decorating, sending out cards...shopping, going to parties. If this is your thing...God Bless You! It's just not possible for me anymore. I just get way too fatigued, you see, I also have a full time job. I know many of you do too...but I also have a new challenge in my life. I am still recovering from brain surgery.

It's all part of the NEW NORMAL ME...and I have nothing to be ashamed of here.

I'm not a complete GRINCH though. I like to watch holiday movies and listen to Christmas music, just not so early in the year. I used to go caroling and sang in many Christmas cantatas...but that's just not possible anymore. You see...I can't tolerate loud noises, as everything seems magnified since my brain surgery.

So this whole holiday thing is much more distressing to me, than before.

I want to sum this up by saying...enjoy your holidays, or at least try to. Do what works for you. Don't feel guilty because you can't do everything. It's just not necessary to put all that pressure upon yourself.

Before you know it, this will all be over with and a new year will be dawning upon us.

We can only hope for a better one than the last. Yes, we still have hope and that's the one thing I can cling to.


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