Tale of a Co-author

Trevor here with some exciting news. My paws are all over the keyboard, as I am so happy, to share this with you. BOL

On Thursday, September 8, 2016, the anniversary of Brenda's craniotomy or the day she celebrates as her *Craniversary* she became... wait for it!  Co-author of a book.

She had known about the release date for about a month, so she had to keep it under her hat. What does that mean exactly? I'm a dog, so I bury bones. BOL Good old Trevor, being silly here.

The book is titled; Grief Diaries: Living with a Brain Injury. It is #16 in the Grief Diaries Anthology Series. Brenda loves her play on words, so this is so sweet. Her promoting the book is going to be centered around the date it was released. It was also eight years ago on that same date, that she became a brain tumor survivor.

I am so doggone proud of all of her accomplishments. I am sure her mother is looking down from Heaven, with pride. Brenda was pretty emotional that day. She does live with frontal lobe syndrome, so this was only natural.

Never in her wildest dreams, did she ever think that this would be happening, at this stage of her life. Her brain tumor experience, changed so much for her. It helped to put into perspective, how she would go on living with her other challenge, rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

You can read about all of this and more in the book, as she goes into great detail. Some of it is raw, as you will discover with the other stories as well. They poured their hearts and souls into this project. Brenda told me at times, that it was difficult to deal with. She knew that forging ahead was the only way, to get this accomplished.

Brenda has a lot of people to thank, and the person who encouraged and told her that she was a good writer, is none other than, Rich Woods. He was there after she had her craniotomy, as she connected with him in another online group, that is no longer in existence. She has remained friends with him and she even received an acknowledgement, in his second book. I've never met this fella, but that is pretty cool in my doggie book. BOL

Brenda could not have even considered doing such a project, if it had not been for her online writing course, that she took, three years ago. That helped her learn to write much more in depth with the personal aspects of her life.

She joined the Grief Diaries Village at the end of last year. She contributed to another book in the series; Grief Diaries: Loss of Health, where she shared her brain tumor and rheumatoid arthritis journeys. It was after, that she was approached about participating in a book about traumatic brain injuries, acquired brain injuries, strokes and brain tumors.

Brenda gave it some serious thought and took it one step further, and decided to sign on as a co-author. She knew she had a lot to bring to the table, and this was the perfect opportunity. It felt right and she went full steam ahead.

She was actually told that with her contributing to the first book, that her story became someone's voice, in understanding what they had gone through. That is Powerful, folks!

She even had the pleasure of working with one of her fellow meningioma brain tumor sisters, on this project, as she was a contributor. Her story is pretty powerful, check it out!

This is Trevor, offering my sincerest Congratulations to Brenda... and to everyone involved in this great endeavor. You all Rock, in my doggie book. BOL


  1. Excellent articles. You’re encouraging many people that read this love and prayers to my baby sister Iris.


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