A Tale of 9Lives...

Hello my fellow readers, it's Trevor here once again, with our monthly tale. This is going to be about Brenda's recent celebration of her 9th Craniversary or the anniversary of her craniotomy. Yes, brain tumor survivors actually do celebrate that momentous occasion. BOL

A little explanation about why this is so significant. Each year for a brain tumor survivor, is truly triumphant. This year Brenda wanted to have a theme that would stand out, with her years of survival. Me being a dog, there just wasn't anything that stood out, but Brenda came up with something quite unique and creative. A 9Lives campaign was launched. We have to come clean here and share that this idea was really inspired by Morris the Cat, who used to be the spokescat BOL for 9Lives cat food. I just made up that name myself. Crack myself up at times. BOL

So being that Brenda has now been a brain tumor survivor for 9 years, this was perfect. Having had a craniotomy for a brain tumor, is considered a second chance at life. It's been referred to as a second chance anniversary. The word Craniversary (another made up word, from another survivor) is what is celebrated on the anniversary of when the craniotomy was performed. In the case of Brenda, it was on September 8, 2008, when her second chance at life began. Little did she know that her life would be changed forever.

This blog is a big part of that and of course, good old Trevor here. BOL She had a wonderful day, reflecting on the past 9 years. Many blessings and sorrows. Brenda received the gift of frontal lobe syndrome, which is a result of where her brain tumor was located. It's considered an acquired brain injury. It's when a person reacts to anger or tears more quickly. Brenda experiences this, when she feels someone she loves or cares about is not being treated kindly. She now possesses more empathy for others and even herself. It can be a lot to carry at times. Brenda for the most part, has found that healthy balance. Everything has become much more meaningful. She needs to be doing something of worth. Brenda loves her writing and when someone told her she was good at it, that desire became even greater.

Brenda wanted to get herself something special for this occasion. She had been to the mall on Labor Day and spotted a picture with a golden retriever. She instantly went to it and her heart sank, when she saw the price. She felt like it was too extravagant a price to pay. I said, "You've had a rough summer and I could also have the pleasure of enjoying it." BOL You could display it, right next to where I hang out." BOL Brenda thought about it some more and decided to take the plunge and treat herself.

So she went back to the store and lo and behold it was still there. She picked it up and saw a red tag was attached. It was on sale! She now knew that she had made the right choice, by going back to the store.

I am going to end this blog post, by sharing it with you, our readers. We want to thank you for being faithful followers and showing your love to us. We love you!

Happy 9th Craniversary to Brenda!! ~Trevor~
"Golden at Sunset"


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