Tale of Deep Inside This Armor...

This writing was actually inspired by someone...who is my friend and kindred spirit. They asked me about a particular song...that they had heard about. It turns out...that I not only knew of the song..but, I sang this song many times.. over the years...in church. It's called "The Warrior Is A Child."

This got me to thinking about my support group "Meningioma Mommas." We are always talking about being MM Warriors and the battle that each of us...face every day. Even though some of us are survivors, there are still many out there that are on a watch and wait. It can be very scary not to know...what your final outcome will be.

Every time I go some place and have an opportunity to share my story, I usually try to have my armor with me...that being my MM T-Shirt or Sweatshirt depending on the season at hand. I also wear my Meningioma awareness bracelets...to show my support.

We all have one thing in common. We are determined to win this battle! :)

Sometimes in the thick of battle, soldiers even need to find some solitude and rest for a little while. That means we need to drop our sword and shield...and sometimes, that means we may even cry because we are weary.

Me, having had a right frontal lobe M removed, makes me tearful and weary at times. It's all just part of the process. Know, that this is okay. I didn't always feel this way. I thought something was really wrong with me. Why was I crying so much and for really no good reason? :(

I know longer fight my tears...because that is a battle I just will not win.

I called this particular blog...Deep Inside This Armor...again, part of the song..because I feel it really speaks to what is going on with me and so many in my support group. I don't wish to leave anyone out here though.

This can really apply to any trial or battle you may be facing. Whether it is a chronic illness or something you are facing that seems just too big for you to handle.

I am so grateful that I have places to go...to drop my sword and shield...that is what I refer to as venting or expressing my frustrations, fears or concerns at that particular moment. Admit it, we all have them at one time or another.

We can't be strong all of the time. That is the time when you let the others in your battlefield or support group...hold you up and encourage you...so you can go back out there and kick some serious butt. :)

It's essential for all of us to realize, when we need to rest..yes, that means we drop our sword and shield...and it may even mean we have a good cry...which can really be liberating for our well being.

I hope some of this has really touched a chord with you. I am really honored to be a Meningioma Momma, Brain Tumor Survivor..and hopefully, somehow..I have touched some of your lives...as many of you have touched mine in deep and personal ways.

So keep fighting..and remember, that we all have each other to make this battle of life...easier to face. :)


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